Photo Credit: National Institute of Disability Management and Research

Support for Canadian Residents for Disability Management and Return to Work Continuing Education

Friday, 18 March 2022 08:00.AM

This Special Initiative provides for a limited number of free Continuing Education courses in Disability Management and Return to Work delivered through the Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) for Canadian Residents located outside of British Columbia (which developed its own similar initiative).

The goal is to upskill individuals through various levels of training depending upon each individual's educational background, work experience, and responsibilities within their workplace, which will determine the type and number of modules they require. Module topic areas include competency domain areas identified in the Occupational Standards in Disability Management as well as a range of mental health, and special and advanced topics.

This continuing education opportunity is designed to:

• build basic DM / RTW program, policy, and practice knowledge for managers and supervisors;
• provide foundational knowledge for others whose responsibilities include DM and RTW such as human resources, labour relations, or health and safety professionals, who are often the first point of contact for individuals who acquire a mental or physical health impairment, as 80% of all impairments occur during a person's working life); and
• provide the development of dedicated accommodation expertise.

Research has shown that workplace staff who have the knowledge and skills to implement and administer accommodation policies, practices, and procedures, also support employers in the development and implementation of successful return to work accommodations for current employees who are off with health impairments, and are open to and successful in, hiring persons with disabilities from outside the organization.

This Special Initiative covers the cost of enrollment for a limited number of first-time applicants on a first come, first served basis in Continuing Education courses for the duration of this program (until June 30, 2024).

This Special Initiative is funded by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Initiatives Program.

SOURCE: National Institute of Disability Management and Research