Armadillo from the Vancouver Aquarium's New Exhibit, Nature's Ninjas, Defenses of the Animal Kingdom. Photo Credit: Vancouver Aquarium

🐠 Vancouver Aquarium Launches New Exhibit, Nature's Ninjas: Defenses of the Animal Kingdom

Tuesday, 14 February 2023 02:27.PM

The Vancouver Aquarium is excited to launch a new exhibit, Nature's Ninjas: Defenses of the Animal Kingdom, opening on Friday, February 10. This exhibit has 17 animal habitats that highlight the defensive mechanisms of these animals.

Discover some of the animal kingdom's most clever defense mechanisms up close during an all-new interactive exhibit at Vancouver Aquarium. Come face to face with some unique new animals, like the spiky four-toed hedgehog, and the armoured three-banded armadillo. This exhibit will be an opportunity to learn all about their self-defense techniques during engaging small group talks with dedicated animal interpreters and get hands-on with larger-than-life interactive displays that show just how impressive these creatures' sneaky strategies are.

Tri-color milk snakes use poison to defend themselves while day geckos have the ability to drop their tails when attacked.

"In the wild almost every living species is food for something else, consequently animals have a variety of defensive strategies to meet these challenges. This exhibit unpacks the mystery of some of the coolest animals that adults and children alike will enjoy exploring in Nature's Ninjas: Defenses in the Animal Kingdom," said Vancouver Aquarium Executive Director Clint Wright.

Until September 4, guests will have an opportunity daily to get up close with some of the animals in this exhibit. Small group presentations will also be available to learn more in-depth information about the 17 animal habitats in this exhibit.

"Nature's Ninjas is an opportunity to learn about new and exciting animals. The more we understand about these animals, the more we can help conserve their environment," said Vancouver Aquarium Animal Care Director Mackenzie Neale.

SOURCE: Vancouver Aquarium

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