🤝💙🌍 CIBC Increases Urgent Humanitarian Aid Efforts Following Terrorist Attacks in Israel ✡️

Thursday, 12 October 2023 08:20.PM

CIBC announced today it is increasing its donation to support humanitarian aid in Israel to $250,000, and together with its employees will increase the total contribution up to $500,000 through a matching donation campaign for its team.

"As we witness the devastation that is unfolding following the recent terrorist attacks in Israel and see the increasing human toll, the need for humanitarian assistance is growing, and as a result, we are increasing our humanitarian support and working with our team to further help those in need," said Stephen Forbes, Executive Vice-President, Purpose, Brand and Corporate Affairs, CIBC. "We hope for the safety of civilians and our thoughts are with all those touched personally by these traumatic events."

Funds will be directed toward providing immediate and ongoing relief efforts, shelter and safety.


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