🤝💙🌍 RBC Announces Additional $1 Million Donation to United Jewish Appeal Federation of New York, American Friends of Magen David Adom and Save the Children ✡️

Friday, 13 October 2023 08:41.PM

Building on the initial $250,000 CAD donation made yesterday, RBC today announced an additional donation of $1 million USD to United Jewish Appeal Federation of New York, American Friends of Magen David Adom and Save the Children. The donation includes contributions from the RBC Foundation USA (funded by RBC Capital Markets and RBC Wealth Management), Royal Bank of Canada and City National Bank.

The donation will provide added humanitarian and relief support, including emergency medical services, care for children in shelters, relocation support, trauma counselling and other activities as needs arise.

Those wanting to help support relief efforts are encouraged to donate online at ujafedny.org, afmda.org, savethechildren.org, jewishtoronto.com and redcross.ca. RBC branches across Canada will also be accepting donations to the Canadian Red Cross.


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